Independent talking therapy

Psychotherapeutic Counselling in Greater Manchester & Online

Why go for Counselling?

Taking that step to talk to a Counsellor takes courage and is most certainly not a weakness. The Counselling process, although challenging at times can be freeing, help reduce distress and can sometimes be life changing.   

You might not have anyone to turn to, or for lots of reasons it might not be possible to confide in those people closest to you. Often because of past experiences, the idea of talking to someone about how we feel or something that is troubling us can be daunting. If you have never had the experience of speaking to someone who ‘really’ doesn’t judge or criticise, then I encourage you to try Counselling.   

I offer Person-Centred Process Experiential therapy and part of my approach is about creating a therapeutic relationship where you feel safe enough to share and work through the troubles you face without fear of judgement, criticism or ill-judged advice that you don’t need or want.

My commitment is to value and understand your world as you see it and be a skilled and trustworthy
companion in exploring the issues you raise, finding a way forward, and making changes.

More information about Counselling can be found here:

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)


Why now?

People come for Counselling for all sorts of reasons. It might be that right now you are feeling anxious, sad, angry or confused; experiencing conflict in your relationships; troubled by earlier life events, loss or trauma; under stress at work or in other areas of your life; perhaps you have encountered discrimination or bullying; perhaps you are faced with an important life decision and feeling ‘trapped’ or ‘stuck’.

Below are some more examples of what might lead a person to access Counselling…

– Shame
– Depression
– Anger
– Guilt
– Frustration

– Emptiness
– Existential issues

– Stress
– Anxiety
– Low self esteem

– Childhood issues
– Loss and bereavement
– Abuse
– Covid related distress

– Traumatic experiences
– Gender & sexuality

– Identity
– Relationship difficulties
– Divorce and separation
– Difficulties at work
– Bullying 

A bit 
about me

I am a Psychotherapeutic Counsellor (MSc), Person-Centred & Process Experiential Therapist. I am also registered and accredited with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (MBACP Accred).

I have particular experience working with people experiencing depression, anxiety and stress. Before becoming a Counsellor, I worked for several years in NHS ‘crisis’ mental health services and in the third sector for people with enduring mental health difficulties. I also have several years’ experience in local authority and third sector services for people with learning and behavioural difficulties.

After years of working with people from lots of different walks of life, facing all sorts of difficulties and challenges, I continue to see how crucial it is to understand and value the person, their experiences, and their point of view. With someone alongside who doesn’t judge or criticise, a person has the freedom and a solid base from which they can work through what they need to.

As a Counsellor, I am committed to and bound by the BACP’s ethical framework for the Counselling professions. Benefits of the framework and a therapist’s commitment to it, is to give people confidence that the therapist they are working with is accountable to a professional body and can provide a safe therapeutic space.

Rates & appointments

Unfortunately I am not currently accepting any private therapy clients.

Things to know

The initial consultation is free of charge and will last for around 20 minutes. This will often involve a conversation about what brings you to therapy, my way of working, how I might be able to help, and my responsibilities to you. This will also give you opportunity to ask any questions you might have about therapy.

This first meeting can be important when choosing a therapist. It can help to get a feel for them as a person, what they can offer and whether you’ll be able to work together.

After this, and if you decide you’d like to go ahead, normal sessions will last for 50 minutes and tend to be once a week, although this is flexible. We can also agree to work to a limited number of sessions or on a more open ended basis depending on your needs.